Sell Your Work Right Here on offers a premier community platform for independent designers, retailers, up and coming jewelry designers and artisans to showcase and sell their designer jewelry. Our comprehensive trade and seller packages offer ecommerce, SEO services, designer spotlights, marketing exposure and more. Vendors and wholesalers members have sales opportunities in our business-to-business network. Sign up below.
Global Exposure is a global platform introducing retailers, designers, artisans and up and coming designers to new online customers.
Sales & Leads
Retail members of the platform sell their designer jewelry on the e-commerce platform while receiving vetted sales leads from online consumers seeking custom orders.
Vendor and Wholesale
Vendors and wholesalers sell their products on our online business-to-business platform while fulfilling custom requests from retailers.
Custom Jewelry Seller & Trade Packages
Comprehensive package are available for sellers and vendors/wholesalers that include many sales and marketing features.